Friday 26 May 2017

Half term homework, due Friday, 16th June


The first week back after half term is Science Week! As usual, there will be a science investigation competition. Your homework is to plan, carry out and write up your investigation. The competition will be held on Friday,16th June, so you have plenty of time. Please could you investigate a scientific problem or a science question that interests you. Ideally, you will carry out an experiment, survey or test, rather than researching the answer to a question in books or on the internet. You can present your work on up to A1 (84cm x 59cm) paper and can bring in objects or photographs to show the results of their experiments. The work will be displayed in classrooms on Friday 16th June, with classes opening at 3.15pm for parents and carers to come and see your work. 

Don't forget our 'scientist for a day' dress up on Wednesday, 7th June. You can come to school dressed as a famous scientist. Be prepared to tell the class who you are and what your biggest achievements were.

Have a lovely, relaxing half term break.


  1. Jakub
    Part one.
    THe awnser to my science question.
    for my science project I'm doing feromagnetics.
    The liquid that makes the feromagnetics is called ferofluid.
    My science question is does water make the ferofluid have a better or worse afefect?
    After doing my experiment I have found out that addding water to ferofluid makes it worse than the original ferofluid with no water.
    Part two.
    What ferofluid does.
    when you add a magnet the outside of the contaner the ferofluid is in it will make spikes the stronger the magnet the bigger the area of spikes.

  2. Jakub
    I am doing feromagnetics as my science project.
    My sientific question is does water make ferofluid work better or worse.

    What you will need:
    1. Ferofluid,
    2. Magnet has to be strong or meadium strong,
    3. A contaner/see through bottle,
    4. gloves,

    What to do:
    for the normal method.
    First, prepare all the equipment.
    Next, put on the gloves.
    Then, poor the ferofluid in the contaner.
    soon, slowly put the magnet under the contaner.
    After that, watch and see the spikes form.

    What to do:
    Method with water.
    Firstly, collect all the exuipment.
    Next, put on the gloves.
    Then, poor the water in the contaner.
    After that, add the ferofluid to the water.
    Next, put the magnet under the ferofluid.
    Then, watch the spikes form.

    After doing my experiment I have found out ferofmagnetics work worse with water added.
