Monday 22 January 2018

Topics for this half term....

Topics for this half term are....

Literacy: Persuasive writing and Poetry
Maths: Rounding, estimating, length, capacity, mass, time, data handling, addition and subtraction.
Science: Rocks and soils
Computing: We are communicators- presentations, emails and video conferencing
RE: Sikhism
PSHE: Respect
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
Geography: The water cycle

Art and DT weeks will take place next half term.

1 comment:

  1. Examples of metaphors from the poem:

    1.The sun is an orange dingy sailing across the calm sea.
    2.It is a gold coin dropped down a drain in heaven.
    3.It is a yellow beach ball kicked high in the yellow sky.
    4.It is a red thumb print on pale blue piece of paper.
    5.It is a gold top from a milk bottle floating on a puddle.

    Examples of personification from the poem:

    1.I know that clouds aren’t people but they’re looking glum today
    2.So I say that they are pouting as I watch the sky turn grey.
    3.Now the sky is not a person but I feel it’s raindrops tears
    4.So I say that it is crying and then the sun appears.
    5.The sun is not a person but its warmth spreads like a grin.

    Metaphors to describe the weather:

    1.Snowflakes are feathers of a lovely bird falling from the sky.
    2.Droplets of dew on the leaves are pearls from a beautiful necklace.
    3.Wind is the hissing of a ferocious dragon.
    4.Rain is water from a giant shower.
    5.The temperature was heat coming out of furnace.
