Friday 10 November 2017

Homework due Friday 17th November 2017
This week your homework is to produce a 'WANTED' poster for the dragon you created in Literacy today. It must include: its name, a brief description, information about where it lives, what it eats, a detailed description of what it looks like and a warning! Have a look at the example below as a guide. You can do your poster on the paper we provide you with, on your own paper or on a Word or Powerpoint document.

I can't wait to see what you produce! :-)


  1. what is it ?

    Thunder Dragon:

    The Thunder dragon is a dangerous dragon. That terrifying dragon can only be seen in a

    rainy stormy day.

    Where does it live ?

    It lives in a rainy and stormy season . It keeps on breathing thunder when the rain came.

    If you see the thunder dragon, don't go near it or else.

    what does it eat ?

    It eats roasted eagles and bulls for pudding. If it does not find any bulls it eats humans

    so be aware.


    The thunder dragon is having black claws. It has a powerful cloudy tail on its wings back.

    It is having some kind of razor thing and it is having two spikes on its butt.


    Amazingly. the thunder dragon is allergic to any kind of candy all kind of candy shoud be

    not seen and shoud not be maked or buyed because it can snif the smell of it. and do not

    sneak away from it.

    So be aware befor it unleashes its true power.


    What is it?
    The fire dragon is only seen in morning. It is normally smiling.

    Where does it live?
    Oddly the fire dragon lives in water even though it puts out fire.

    What does it eat?
    It eats fruits, pigs and veg

    It has a big fat body, it wears glasses, it is the size of a bat, it is black, red and yellow and it smells like a troll’s nostril!

    It is allergic to the frightening floor, and if it touches it will explode and magically come alive again ten times bigger!


    By Elliott

  3. What do you think about my poster,Miss Davies?
