Friday 20 October 2017

Homework due Thursday, 2nd November

After half term, homework tasks and spelling sheets will be given out on Thursdays and will be expected in on the following Thursday. Spelling and times tables tests will take place on Thursdays after half term.

Homework due Thursday, 2nd November 2017

What is your favourite poem? Mine is 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright.

The Magic Box
I will put in the box
the swish of a silk sari on a summer night,
fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,
the tip of a tongue touching a tooth.

I will put in the box
a snowman with a rumbling belly
a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene,
a leaping spark from an electric fish.

I will put into the box
three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,
the last joke of an ancient uncle,
and the first smile of a baby.

I will put into the box
a fifth season and a black sun,
a cowboy on a broomstick
and a witch on a white horse.

My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel,
with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.
Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.

I shall surf in my box
on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic,
then wash ashore on a yellow beach
the colour of the sun.                             
   by Kit Wright

I love it because Kit Wright has described some truly wonderful things. Some of them only exist in the imagination and could never really be put in a box. He has used wonderful vocabulary to describe these images and you can really imagine what they would look, sound or feel like. I also love the way the poem sounds when you read it aloud. Especially the first line, 'the swish of a silk sari on a summer night.' The alliteration (repetition of the 's' sound) really helps it to slip off the tongue.

You may choose one of the following tasks:

1) Can you continue the poem? What would you put into the magic box? Write three verses that describe what you would put into the box.

2) What is your favourite poem? Choose your favourite poem and write it up neatly on paper. You may decorate it if you like. Can you also explain why you like it? Which are your favourite words, images or sentences?


  1. Task 1

    I will put in my box:

    The Sun is as bright as the stars
    The Sun is as hot as fire
    The delicious food is burning like lava
    The freezing ocean is ad cold as winter

    I will put in the box:

    A beautiful, blue butterfly
    A shiny sword as thin as a pencil
    A cute cat waiting hungrily for food

  2. Task 1)

    I will put in the box
    the colours on a magical rainbow,
    pinches of glimmering glitter,
    the tail of a beautiful tiger.

  3. Yash

    ��If I could catch a rainbow ��

    If I could catch a rainbow ��
    I would do it just for you ����‍♂️
    and share with you its beauty on the days you're feeling blue ����

    If I could build a mountain ⛰
    you call your very own place to be alone ����‍♂️

    If I could take your troubles ����‍♂️
    I would toss them in the sea ��

    But all these things I'm finding are impossible for me ����‍♂️
    I cannot build a mountain ��
    Or catch a rainbow fair ����‍♂️
    but let me be what I know best ��
    A friend that's always there.������

    Why I like the poem:
    I like the poem because there is interesting words and lots of adjectives.It is very imaginative.��

    My favourite phrase is "place to be alone" because we can meet our friends together in lonely quiet place.��������������

  4. I will put in the box…
    The beautiful blue sea,
    a gigantic firework exploding in the air,
    a whole pile of glittering gold.

    I will put into the box…
    A snapping snap dragon flower,
    some sparkling sparklers moving in the air,
    a shinny BMW M3, racing to the finish line. YES!!!

    My box is magical made of spells untold,
    with secrets written and old.

    I shall float in my box high above earth,
    quickly swimming to the moon,
    creeping towards me mountains cast a grey shadow.

  5. I will put in the box
    A Chinese golden neckless of a special Oriental god,
    A beautiful plant of the edge of the field sitting quietly,
    A shiny giant rainbow circling the whole white world.

  6. My favourite poem is: Don’t by Michael Rosen

    I like the whole poem because it is funny. Having watched the poet perform online I like the part where he said “don’t put ants in your pants” the best. It makes me laugh. Where he said “and don`t stick your toes up your nose!” Michael spoke a bit funny and made his voice change by putting his fingers on his nose. I also like the rhyming sound it’s also a bit crazy! At school it made everyone laugh.
    By Elliott

  7. I will put in the box …
    A little piece of a sparkly rainbow,
    A broken part of an angel wing,
    A trillion shops of every country.

    I will put in the box …
    Information about what will happen in the 27th century,
    All the queens in the in the world,
    All the magic that exists in the world.

    I will put in the box …
    A lot of chocolates from around the world,
    All the people from Delhi,
    The olden people who used to live before.

  8. I will put in my magic box a:
    I will put a colourful and beautiful bag that is like a rainbow.
    If I put the bag inside it will light up like a glow fly.
    In the box I will also put some precious paperwork that makes paper cuts.
    I will put a delicate picture of me that said 'Hello'.
    I will put my favourite soft monkey toy.

    By Jasmeet

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I will put in the box.
    A cold cat trying to find a place to warm up,
    A block of slippery ice that is been dropped into a glass of orange juice,
    Some beautiful butterfly's fluttering of into the distance.
    I will put in the box.
    The first smile of a new born,
    A baby Bunny hopping away,
    Some slow snail's trudging along the rough path.
    I will put in the box.
    Broken bars falling onto the floor.
    Crazy crows pecking on wood,
    Golden grizzly bears fishing for fish.
    I will put in the box.
    A orange sun following the sun rules,
    A large lion creeping everyone out and
    A red cape swishing in the wind.

  11. I will put in the box…

    A bottle full of clean water
    Some gold fishes from an aquarium
    Some fish food
    and take the box to a pond and let the fishes go free.

    I will put in the box…..

    A small white rabbit with thick fur
    A Small little beautiful kitten and
    Give this box to my old granny as christmas gift

    I will put in the box….

    Lots of chocolates and cakes
    All of my good old toys
    Lots of my good old clothes and
    Will ask dear santa claus to take this box to a place far away and
    Give to all those children to don’t have.

  12. I will put in the box
    Don't scrub the Jelly on Your belly
    Don't squash the peas on your teeth
    Don't take the custard cream out of your custard biscuit and mix it into the mustard
    Don't mix juice into the coffee
    Who do they think I am some kind of fool

