homework due: Friday 6th October 2017
A or an ?
This week in Literacy we have looked at when to use a or an.
Can you remember the rule for when to use which one?
Below are a list of sentences. It is your job to type or write
these sentences out in full and complete them by either using a
or an.
1. I am going to ___ park today.
2. We saw ___ elephant at the zoo today.
3. George has ___ TV in his room.
4. Yesterday, it was raining so I took ___ umbrella out with me.
5. Who wants to go for ___ run?
6. It was ___ cold and miserable night.
7. ___ announcement was made reminding us to be respectful to
8. Honesty is ___ school value of ours.
9. It is ___ community project.
10. The play was ___ absolute disaster.