Friday, 26 January 2018

Homework due Friday, 2nd February 2018

Homework due Friday 2nd February 2018


We have been looking at poetry this week and identifying different poetic features.

1.    Your task this week is to see if you can identify five metaphors and five examples of personification in the poems shown on this page.

2.   Then try and come up with five metaphors of your own to describe the weather, e.g. the wind is a wolf in the night.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Topics for this half term....

Topics for this half term are....

Literacy: Persuasive writing and Poetry
Maths: Rounding, estimating, length, capacity, mass, time, data handling, addition and subtraction.
Science: Rocks and soils
Computing: We are communicators- presentations, emails and video conferencing
RE: Sikhism
PSHE: Respect
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
Geography: The water cycle

Art and DT weeks will take place next half term.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Homework due Friday, 26th January


Have a look at the following poems. One of them is a shape poem, one is a narrative poem and one is a haiku poem. Can you decide which is which?


Firstly, choose one of the poems and explain whether it is a narrative, shape or haiku poem. Give reasons for your answers. 

Next, describe any poetic techniques you have found in the poem. (Rhyme, repetition, rhythm, descriptive language, simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration).

Then, find another example of a narrative, shape or haiku poem, copy it or print it and bring it to school.


2)                                       Beaches by Kaitlyn Guenther

Sand scatters the beach
Waves crash on the sandy shore
Blue water shimmers  

3)      The Broken-Legg’d Man by John Mackey Shaw

I saw the other day when I went shopping in the store
A man I hadn't ever, ever seen in there before,
A man whose leg was broken and who leaned upon a crutch-
I asked him very kindly if it hurt him very much.

"Not at all!" said the broken-legg'd man.
I ran around behind him for I thought that I would see
The broken leg all bandaged up and bent back at the knee;
But I didn't see the leg at all, there wasn't any there,

So I asked him very kindly if he had it hid somewhere.
"Not at all!" said the broken-legg'd man.
"Then where," I asked him, "is it? Did a tiger bite it off?
Or did you get your foot wet when you had a nasty cough?

Did someone jump down on your leg when it was very new?
Or did you simply cut it off because you wanted to?"
"Not at all!" said the broken-legg'd man.
"What was it then?" I asked him, and this is what he said:

"I crossed a busy crossing when the traffic light was red;
A big red car came whizzing by and knocked me off my feet."
"Of course you looked both ways," I said, "before you crossed the street."
"Not at all!" said the broken-legg'd man.

"They rushed me to the hospital right quickly," he went on,
"And when I woke in nice clean sheets I saw my leg was gone;
That's why you see me walking now on nothing but a crutch."
"I'm glad," said I, "you told me, and I thank you very much!"
"Not at all!" said the broken-legg'd man.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Homework due Friday, 19th January

Next week you will be looking at adverts for different products and will identify how companies persuade people to buy.
Your task this week is to create a poster for your own chocolate bar. Imagine you owned a company and had your own chocolate! How would you persuade people to buy it?

Look at the posters below for ideas.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Homework due Friday, 12th January

This week we have been learning about persuasive language. We enjoyed debating some interesting topics in class! Have a look at the statements below:



Which statement do you agree with? Please can you write a persuasive paragraph that will convince the reader to agree with you.

Maybe you could include:

-Persuasive sentence starters (Surely you agree that.......Everybody knows that.....)
-Rhetorical questions (How would you feel if......? Don't you think that......?)
- Conjunctions to add points to your argument (In addition, furthermore, also, because, since, as, another reason is....)

- Good reasons to back up your argument