Thursday, 9 February 2017

Half term homework due Friday, 24th February

The holidays are here! I hope you have a lovely break. The first week back is Book Week and Art Week. With that in mind, I'd like you to complete a book review for any book that you read over the week. It doesn't have to be your school reading book. The book review templates have been given out on paper- I look forward to seeing them when we come back. Mathletics has been set, as well as the usual spellings, times tables and reading.

Have fun and see you after the holidays!

Friday, 3 February 2017

Homework due Friday, 10th February

We have been looking at ways to write direct speech into our stories this week. Can you remember the things we found out? Watch this clip to refresh your memory:

Task 1:  Rewrite the following sentences so that the speech (and everything else) is written correctly. Can you think of some alternative words for 'said'?

 what time is it asked Sachin.
 let’s have chicken for
dinner said Monica.
 can I play on the computer Mum asked Kayla.

 i would like an ice cream please said Zara.

costs 12 euro said the shop-keeper.
 would you like to read a book asked the teacher.

 where is the cheese asked Kayleigh.

 what’s five times eight asked Miss Byrne.

 hooray shouted the children.

Task 2:

Think back to the 'Staying Out' suspense story and remember how Kev tried to convince his mother to let him go camping with his friend. Please write a brief paragraph including a conversation between Kev and his mother, using all you have learned about punctuating speech. You may even try to put some persuasive language in there!